Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dream Journal

Inspiring an Old Friend

Dreamt of an old friend last night ... A from NY.  I saw her at some function and she was really sad.  She didn't say anything, somehow I just knew.  She wasn't talking much and that made me nervous so, as is my way when I am nervous, I talked too much.  The more I talked the more I realized that she felt lost and that she was unhappy with where she was in her life.  Finally, I suggested that she write a book with all that she has researched and all that she knows ... her eyes lit up.  I could tell that she felt inspired and that idea appealed to her. 

As I walked away, I realized I felt the same way.  Lost.  I had just inspired her to come out of her downward spiral ... why couldn't I do this for myself?


At April 15, 2010 at 4:46 PM , Blogger ~~cam~~ said...

Just wanted to say that, for some reason, as soon as I stepped away from the computer after having written this ... I felt so much better. Something lifted off of me for a few minutes.

Since then I have felt the heaviness return, but perhaps writing is a way to lift the veil and find my way. Interesting.


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